Cameron,Louisiana's history with tropical systems
current weather
(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm (bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm description is given.
Cameron most likely to be hit by a hurricane between August 24th and august 30th
Years within or near core
54 times in 152 yrs end of 2023

Names from list above

Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio
TS=28, 51.85% H=26, 48.15%
only 16.98% of all tropical systems in Cameron are major hurricanes

Longest gap between storms
15 years 1987-2001

How often Cameron gets affected?
brushed or hit on av every 2.81 years

Average years between direct hurricane hits.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours)
(17h)once every 8.84 years state stats

Average years between major hurricane hits.(5)
once ev 30.4 years

Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts)
104 mph

Statistically when Cameron should be affected next
before the end of 2024

Last affected by
2021 Sept 14th tropical storm Nicholas weakens to a TD while 67 miles to the west.

Cameron's hurricane history
1879 aug 23rd 105mph just west while moving north. A 12 ft storm surge & many buildings destroyed.
1882 Sept 14th,105mph
1886 June 14th 95mph from the SW
1886 oct 12th, 120mph from the south ,a 9 ft storm surge as winds blew for 36 hrs,most houses removed from foundations due to storm surge.196 killed & hundreds of cattle killed. Hit Map
1897 Sept 13th 85mph from the ESE
1918 August 6th,120mph from the SSE . It struck without 28.36 gusts to 125mph.Overall heavy damage 34 killed.
1938 Aug 14th, 75mph from the south
1940 aug 7th 80mph from the ESE ,6 killed 5ft storm surge slow moving dumped 21 inches of rain
1957 hurricane Audrey, 120mph (hurdat)from the south thousands of buildings destroyed june 27th. Between 90 and 95 percent of the buildings in Cameron and Lower Vermilion Parishes were damaged beyond repair. 13 ft s.s decreased to 7.6 ft by the time it reached Lake Charles.Est 556 killed 144mph over 40,000 homless in Louisiana. Pressure at landfall recorded at 959mb 28.30 inches with a forward speed of 14mph,most winds at ground level were in the cat 1 range...surge animation | Newspaper article | Newspaper article #2
1971 Sept 16th, 90mph Edith from the S.W gusts to 95mph 6 ft s.s ,69mph in Cameron with gusts to 96mph passed approx 30 miles east of Cameron.Heavy damage to sugarcane crops. NHC Wallet
1985 Aug 15th,Hurricane danny passes just east from the south with 90mph winds.NHC Wallet
1985 Oct 28th, Hurricane Juan hits just S.E with 85mph winds from the south before turning east. NHC Wallet
1986 June 26th hurricane Bonnie, 85mph from the SSE passes to the west. NHC Wallet
2005 Sept 24th Hurricane Rita hits with 120mph winds from the SSE. High storm surge in many areas of Vermillion parish with very heavy damage.Moves slowly to the NW as a large hurricane weakening while moving in. Hurricane warning show | Before and after Rita | Radar at landfall | Louisiana from space before & after Rita | Newspaper headline | Damage map | Models 2 days out
2008 Sept 13th Hurricane Ike passes to the S.W with 110mph winds while moving into Galveston from the ESE. | radar animation(Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School) USGS surge info
2020 August 27th hurricane Laura passes passes directly over with 150mph winds while moving north press 938mb. Radar (Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School) | radar shot as eye passes over | Our coverage as it happened | NHC storm surge info | hit map | NHC report
2020 Oct 9th Hurricane Delta passes directly over with 105mph winds while moving NNE. Radar (Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School) | NHC report

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Stat sources: NHC Track maps/hurdat2/cyclone reports Hurricane research division
Text Sources:(alp)....Divine Wind Kerry Emanuel.....Florida Hurricanes & Tropical Storms John M. Williams & Iver W.Duedall.....Florida's Hurricane History Jay Barnes.....Hurricane Almanac Bryan (calculations) Jim Williams.....Hurricanes and the Middle Atlantic States Rick Schwartz.....Hurricane Watch Dr. Bob Sheets & Jack Williams.....Inside the Hurricane Pete Davies..... Isaac's Storm Erik Larson..... Killer Cane Robert Mykle.....Lunatic Wind William Price Fox....Miami Herald newspaper(microfilm).....Path of destruction John McQuaid & Mark Schleifstein.....Sun sentinel newspaper(microfilm).....The Major Hurricanes to affect the Bahamas Wayne Neely.....The Ship & the Storm Jim many more.............
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