Daytona Beach,Florida's history with tropical systems
Current weather
(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm (bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm description is given.(since 1871)
Daytona Beach most likely to be hit by a hurricane between september 7th and september 13th
Years within or near core
67 times in 152 yrs end of 2023

Names from list above

Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio
TS=38, 56.72% H=29, 43.28%
only 13.11% of all tropical systems affecting Daytona Beach are major hurricanes this includes brushes

Longest gap between storms
19 years 1982-2000

How often Daytona gets affected?
brushed or hit every 2.27 years

Average years between direct hurricane hits.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours)
(10h)once every 15.20 years state stats

Average years between major hurricane hits.(3)
ev 50.67 years

Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts)

Statistically when Daytona should be affected next
before the end of 2026

Last affected by
2023 August 30th hurricane Idalia moves onshore in gulf to N.W by 135 miles at closest approach with 110mph winds.

Daytona Beach's hurricane history
1871 Aug 18th a 100mph hurricane passes by just offshore while moving north
1893 just offshore with 120mph winds moving north Aug 27th Hit map
1893 Oct 12th nearly identical path as August hurricane passes 23 miles to east with 120mph winds while moving NNW. Hit map
1894 80mph sept 26
1921 90mph Oct 25th
1926 75mph july 28th from the S.E
1960 sept 11th hurricane donna passes by here on the way out to sea with 110mph winds Daytona's FAA aviation towert reported 99mph winds,press here 28.73 heavy damage here & throughout the southern 2/3rds of florida. Sustained ESE winds of 58mph 3:45 AM,4.58 inch of rain. more here
1979 Sept 4th 95mph David hits from the SSE,center of eye just offshore. NHC Wallet
2004, August 13th Hurricane Charley hits from the SW with 85mph winds, Many trees down with power outages & minor structural damage. Tornado reported in county.Article | radar animation(Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School)
2016 ,Oct 7th Hurricane Matthew passes just east by 27 miles with 120mph winds while moving NNW. Three killed in Volusia county an 89-year-old Volusia man was electrocuted and burned after power lines fell on his home , a 63-year-old woman was feeding her animals when a tree fell on her and a 9-year-old boy in Volusia died from carbon monoxide poisoning after a generator was turned on in his home. Radar (Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School) | Best models | Matthew timeline | USGS surge info

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Stat sources: NHC Track maps/hurdat2/cyclone reports Hurricane research division
Text Sources:(alp)....Divine Wind Kerry Emanuel.....Florida Hurricanes & Tropical Storms John M. Williams & Iver W.Duedall.....Florida's Hurricane History Jay Barnes.....Hurricane Almanac Bryan (calculations) Jim Williams.....Hurricanes and the Middle Atlantic States Rick Schwartz.....Hurricane Watch Dr. Bob Sheets & Jack Williams.....Inside the Hurricane Pete Davies..... Isaac's Storm Erik Larson..... Killer Cane Robert Mykle.....Lunatic Wind William Price Fox....Miami Herald newspaper(microfilm).....Path of destruction John McQuaid & Mark Schleifstein.....Sun sentinel newspaper(microfilm).....The Major Hurricanes to affect the Bahamas Wayne Neely.....The Ship & the Storm Jim many more.............
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