(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm
(bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names
are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm
description is given.(since 1871) Years
within or near core 1871,1871br,1876bd,1876tsbr,1878ts,1878tsbd,1878,1885,1888,1888-2ts,1889bdts,1891br,1891bdts,1892bdts,1895bdts,1898tsbr,1901ts,1903,1904br,1906bd,1906,1909-2ts,1909br, 1924bdts,1926-2,1926br,1928-2,1929br,1933,1935br,1935,1939br,1941,1945,1946ts,1947,1947bd,1948-2bd,1949,1950,1952bdts,1953bdts,1956ts(hurdat),1959bdtsbr,1964,1964bd, 1965br,1974subts,1976ts,1979br,1984ts,1992br,1995ts,1998bdbrts,1999ts,1999,2004br,2005,2005bd,2006tsbr,2010tsbr,2016br,(2017bdbr,2017bdts not in stats) 67
times in 145yrs end of 2016
Names from list
above king,Able,Cleo,Isbell,Betsy,Dottie,David,Dennis,Isadore,Andrew,Jerry,Mitch,Harvey,Irene,Frances,Katrina,Wilma,Ernesto,Bonnie,Matthew,Irma,Philippe
Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio TS=27, 40.30% H=40, 59.70%
Longest gap between storms 14 years 1910-1923
How often this area gets
affected? brushed or hit every 2.16 years
Average years between direct hurricane hits.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours) (27h)once every 5.37 years state stats
Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts) 106mph
Statistically when this area should be affected
next affected in 2017
Last affected
by 2017 Oct 29th Tropical Storm Philippe passes over while moving NE with 50mph winds.
This areas hurricane past 1871 Aug 16th 115mph just north coming from the east
1876 Oct 20th a back door hurricane passes just west while moving NNE with 95mph winds
1878 Oct 21st, a cat 1 80mph passes just east while moving NNE
1885 Aug 23rd just east while moving NNW with 80mph winds.
1888 Aug 16th 125mph from the ESE just south of here
1903 Sept 11th a cat 1 85mph from the ESE
1906 June 17th 85mph from the SW
1906 Oct 18th 115mph from the SSW
1926 July 27th 105mph just east while moving NW
1926 Sept 18th,hillsboro lighthouse took a
beating but survived against 130mph winds from the ESE.
1928 Aug 7th 95mph while moving NW just east
1928 southern eye wall hits while moving NW,Sept 16, heavy damage winds 150mph. Newspaper article#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 1933 Sept 3rd a cat 4 -130mph from the ESE just north
1935 Nov 4th from the ENE 75mph
1941 Oct 6th 120mph from the ESE to the south
1945 sept 16th a 130mph hurricane (hurdat2) passes directly over while moving NNW causing very heavy damage in SE Fla
1947 sept 17th,130mph HRD measured bar 27.97 inch severe damage in this area storm surge 11ft 121mph for 5 min a very slow moving storm pounded the area for hours,causes 51 deaths,a very large & intense storm weather map
1947 oct 12 from the SW 80mph gusts to 92mph heavy rain,21 ft storm surge
1948 Sept 22nd 95mph from the SSW
1948 Oct 5th 105mph from the SW
1949 aug 26th just north 150mph from the S.E. weather map | target=new>Newspaper headline
1950 hurricane King oct 17th 110mph (hurdat)15 miles to the west moderate damage here mostly inland over a small area as this was a small hurricane
1964 aug 27th hurricane Cleo hits with 95mph winds 5 ft tides & minor damage while moving north,15 to 20 ft of beach eroded.
1964 oct 14th hurricane Isabell from the SW with 125mph winds causes moderate damage here
1981 Tropical storm Dennis with 50mph winds dumps heavy rain & causes power outages in Broward audio news report(rp)
1999 oct 15th hurricane Irene just west with 75mph winds.No hurricane force winds reported here many trees down & some flooding. Newspaper article
2005 Aug 25th, Hurricane Katrina hits Ft Lauderdale while moving WSW approx 25 miles to the south while passing by with 75mph winds causing minimal damage.
2005,Oct 24th Hurricane Wilma hits from the SW with 105mph winds while moving quickly N.E. Wilma passed just NW of Deerfield bch while the east eyewall hit the metro areas. Damage was extensive in Deerfield bch Significant roof damage to many buildings,power poles & signs.104 structures report heavy damage affecting 164 units.In nearby Pompano bch final NHC official reports of 82mph sustained with gusts to 95mph. Hurricane Wilma caused an estimated 20 billion in damage with 35 deaths in Florida.Radar during worst weather in deerfield | Wilma satelite picture | Marina collapse in deerfield | Newspaper unsafe structure maps | NHC final report
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