(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm
(bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names
are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm
description is given. Years
within or near core 1871bd,1871bdts,1871,1872tsbr,1873ts,1874,1877ts,1878,1879ts,1880bdts,1880tsbr,1880,1882br,1885ts,1886br,1886,1888bdts,1888,1889ts,1893tsbr,1896m,1898bdtsbr,1899tsbr,1902tsbr, 1903bdtsbr,1909bdts,1910bdtsbr,1916bdtsbr,1920ts,1921,1926bdtsbr,1928bdts,1928tsbr,1928bd,1930tsbr,1933bdts,1934bdts,1935br,1939bdts,1940bdts,1944bdbr,1945,1945bdbr,1946ts, 1947ts,1949bd,1950m,1950bdtsbr,1950ts,1960bdbr,1966br,1968,1974subtsbr,1982subts,1984bdts,1985brm,1995bdts,2000ts,2004-2bdts,2008tsbdbr,2012ts,2013ts,2016ts,2016br,2017bd,2020ts,2021tsbr,2022br,2022bdts,2023brm,2024br,2024mbr,2024br 74 times in 153yrs end of 2024
Names from list above E storms most likely to impact the area Easy,King,Love,Donna,Alma,Gladys,Isadore,Elena,Erin,Gordon,Frances,Jeanne,Fay,Debby,Andrea,Colin,Hermine,Irma,Eta,Elsa,Ian,Nicole,Idalia,Debby,Helene,Milton,
Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio TS=45, 60.81% H=29, 39.19%
Longest gap between storms 9 years 1951-1959 & 1986-1994
How often Homosassa gets
affected? brushed or hit every 2.07 years
Average years between direct hurricane hits.(usually within 40 miles to include small hurricanes,not including back door hurricanes) (15h)once every 10.2 years state stats
Average years between direct major hurricane hits.(major hurricane at adv upon passage) (2)once every 76.5 years
Statistically when Homosassa should be affected
next before the end of 2026
Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts) 92 mph
Last affected
by 2024 Oct 9th hurricane Milton brushes 76 miles to the SSE with 100mph winds while moving ENE.
Homosassa's hurricane
history 1871 Aug 17th,80mph from the SSE just east of here
1871 Sept 6th, 80mph from the WSW just north of here
1874 Sept 27th 80mph from the S.W
1878 Sept 10th, 105mph from the SSW
1880 Oct 8th ,80mph from the S.W
1886 July 18th ,80mph from the SSW
1888 Oct 10th 105mph just north from the S.W
1896 Sept 29th, 125mph from the SSW just north. Hit Map
1921 Oct 25th a cat 2 hurricane hits with 100mph winds from the S.W approx 40 miles south of here storm surges of 6 to 10 ft were reportedin many locations most notably in the tampa bay area where 10 ft was reported unofficial reports of 8 killed.
1928 Sept 17th,110mph from the SSE just east of here
1945 June 24th 90mph from the S.W while moving in just north of here
1949 Aug 27th 75 mph just east from the south (hurdat2)
1950 Sept 5th,Easy hits with 120mph winds from the WSW after doing a loop in gulf heavy
flooding nearly 40 inches of rain . weather map | hit map
1968 hurricane Gladys oct 18th,80mph from the S.W gusts to 100mph while moving NE press 28.85 mobile homes flipped & some roof damage as far inland as Ocala. 6 1/2 ft storm tides observed in area & down to Sarasota. 3 motorist reported killed,less than 6 inches of rain recorded. Hurricane hunter has turbulence problems with Bob Sheets aboard 1 seriously injured.
2017 Sept 11th, Hurricane Irma passes over with 75mph winds while moving north. radar animation(Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School) NHC report
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