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Key Largo,Florida's history with tropical systems
(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm (bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm description is given.
Key Largo most likely to be hit by a hurricane between september 14th and september 20th
Years near or within core winds
(1981ts Dennis not counted small 40 mile wind field to west)1987ts,1991ts,1992m,1998br,1999,2005br,2005,2006ts,2012tsbr,2017m,2018ts,2020ts,2022mbdbr
60 times in 152 yrs end of 2023

Names from list above

Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio
TS=24, 40.00% H=36, 60.00%
33.33% of all tropical systems affecting Key Largo are major hurricanes this includes brushes

Longest gap between storms
20 years 1966-1987

How often this area gets affected?
Key Largo brushed or hit every 2.53 years

Average years between direct hurricane hits in Key Largo.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours)
(29h)once every 5.24 years state stats

Average years between major hurricane hits in Key Largo.(17)
once every 8.94 years

Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts)

Statistically when Key Largo should be affected next
before the end of 2025

Last affected by
2022 Sept 28th major hurricane Ian comes ashore on S.W coast with 155mph winds at closest approach was 132 miles to N.W while moving slowly N.E

Key Largo's hurricane past
1878 Oct 21st a cat 1 hits with 80mph winds from the SSW
1888 Aug 16th, 125mph to the north from the ESE. Hit Map
1891 Aug 24th,80mph just north from the ESE
1904 Oct 17th,80mph from the south
1906 June 17th,85mph from the S.W
1906 Oct 18th, 120mph from the SSW press 28.55 hundreds killed while working on railroad. A ship with 150 men aboard washed into the Atlantic of which 83 survived. Another houseboat washed into the bay and back to shore with no causalities. The St. Lucie sank off Elliott Key killing 25. On Lower Matecumbe Key, two houseboats with 45 men were carried to sea.
1909 a Hurricane passed over area from the WSW oct 11th with 115mph winds.
1916 Nov 15th, 75mph from the WSW
1919 Sept 9th, 125mph well south from the ESE
1926 Sept 18th,130mph just north from the ESE
1926 Oct 20th,110mph from the S.W just east
1929 sept 28th,105mph from the ESE bar 28.00 inch gusts to 150mph heavy damage. Reportedly, storm surges were 6 to 9 feet at Garden Cove. Railroad service was out for a week. Sections of highway were washed out as far as Big Pine Key. The Coast Guard had to provide mail service for Key West.
1933 Oct 5th a cat 4 with 130mph winds passes just S.E of here while moving ENE
1935 Sept 2nd 185mph from the S.E causing a storm surge of 10ft with 6 ft breakers on top. In Key Largo gusts to 230mph with 150mph to 160mph sustained winds passed approx 20 miles to the south of here. Water rose at a rate of 1 ft every 10 min. 1935 newspaper headline | 1935 newspaper headline | 1935 newspaper headline | monument | monument close | video aftermath
1935 Sept 28th, 115mph just east while moving N.E away from the keys.
1941 Oct 6th a cat 3 from the ESE with 120mph winds just north
1945 Sept 16th a major hurricane with 130mph winds from the ESE causes heavy damage in this area with moving NW into S Fla passing just north of Key Largo.Newpaper Headline
1947 Oct 12th,80mph (hurdat2) to the west while moving N.E
1948 Sept 21st, 120mph from the SSW passes just west
1948 a cat 3 120mph hits from the s.w on october 5th.
1950 Oct 17th,125mph (hurdat) Hurricane King from the SSE.
1960 hurricane Donna sept 9th press 27.55 heavy damage just south with 140mph from the S.E , heavy damage storm surge6 ft here, winds measured above 120mph for 45 minutes in tavenier to south with 100mph winds for 7 hrs.more here | Gordon Dunn talks about forecasting Donna | NHC Wallet

1964 Aug 27th,105mph,Hurricane Cleo from the south. NHC Wallet
1965 Betsy hits sept 8th with 125mph winds from the east gusts to 165mph press 28.12 heavy damage occured. Betsy had a large of of approx 40 miles in diameter. Betsy page | Miami Herald Newspaper article (Betsy won't turn back)
1966 oct 4th hurricane Inez hits with 100mph winds from the east,press 29.03 sustained winds here at 98mph. NHC Wallet
1992 ,Aug 24th,andrew passes just north of here with 160mph winds from the east area gets gusts over 100mph some roof damage.| Satelite image | Andrew page | more on Hurricane Andrew here | Dr Ted Fujita wind map | Dr Ted Fujita wind map explanation
1999 oct 15th hurricane Irene just west while moving NNE with 85mph winds causes some flooding & tree damage press 29.09 .NHC Report
2005 Oct 24th,Hurricane Wilma passes 73 miles to the north while moving N.E with 110mph winds carrying a very large wind field expanding to Key Largo while passing.Radar animation
2017 Sept 10th Hurricane Irma passes just west by 57 miles while moving north with 130mph winds causing heavy damage. Key Largo reports 4.11 ft inundation, estimates from FEMA indicate that 25% of buildings were destroyed, 65% were significantly damaged, and 90% of houses sustained some damage. Approximately 75% of the residents in the Keys evacuated before Irma.. Power outage photos before & after | Best performing models 5 days before hit | EURO model 3 days out | Long range GEFS many days out | UKMET model 2 days out | Relief concert 5 former presidents attend | Best track data | USGS surge info | NWS Key West map info | Radar animation (Brian McNoldy) | Our live coverage | Aftermath video tour .

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Stat sources: NHC Track maps/hurdat2/cyclone reports Hurricane research division
Text Sources:(alp)....Divine Wind Kerry Emanuel.....Florida Hurricanes & Tropical Storms John M. Williams & Iver W.Duedall.....Florida's Hurricane History Jay Barnes.....Hurricane Almanac Bryan (calculations) Jim Williams.....Hurricanes and the Middle Atlantic States Rick Schwartz.....Hurricane Watch Dr. Bob Sheets & Jack Williams.....Inside the Hurricane Pete Davies..... Isaac's Storm Erik Larson..... Killer Cane Robert Mykle.....Lunatic Wind William Price Fox....Miami Herald newspaper(microfilm).....Path of destruction John McQuaid & Mark Schleifstein.....Sun sentinel newspaper(microfilm).....The Major Hurricanes to affect the Bahamas Wayne Neely.....The Ship & the Storm Jim many more.............
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