We are sorry no live cams are available from Belize. This image above is from SanPedro near the north tip of Belize on Ambergris Caye.

This picture above is from Corozal located 50 miles north of Belize city with a population of 7,500,This area was leveled in 1955 by hurricane janet. To hear what is happening during a hurricane you can tune into a live feed from Belize city to listen clickhere

This image above is from Belize city in the central east coast of the country. Belize city has been hit hard 6 times by hurricanes since 1931.
The picture above is from Dangriga a city located 50 miles south of Belize city,the population here is 8,100. The nearest live cam to belize is very far away in the cayman islands 500 miles to the E.N.E if for some reason you wish to see the cam shot clickhere

This image above is from Punta Gorda at the south end of Belize. This part of Belize was badly affected by hurricane hattie in 1961.

There is a meesage board from Belize on hurricanesClick here

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