Winds at landfall 165mph gusts to 180mph,10 mile wide eye,16.9ft storm surge
Highest unofficial gust 178mph
Briefly hit winds of 170mph just east of Eleuthera island (recon)
The following statistics are from the aftermath of the 2nd most costly natural disaster in U.S history behind Katrina 2005
**The damage**
Obliterated 102 miles of power lines & 300 towers
25,000 gallons of oil spilled into Biscayne Bay
7 million fish killed due to depleted oxygen in waterways
8% of all Florida agriculture destroyed
300 square miles of total devestation
Directly after Andrew 1.3million without electricity
2,200 traffic lights destroyed
90%of small businesses destroyed
1 Billion dollars damage in Louisiana
25 Billion dollars damage in Florida
In Homestead 80% of homes destroyed
10,000 acres of nurseries ruined
100,000 homes damaged
63,000 homes badly damaged
The People affected
In Homestead 7,500 families left homeless out of 26,000
After the storm phone systems overwhelmed with 80,000 calls per minute
calls to police before Andrew 1,500 per day & after andrew 6,000 per day
14% of Dade County residents temporarily unemployed
300,000 homeless right after the storm
41 killed as a direct result of the storm
140,000 unemployed in Florida
1 week after andrew 300,000 still without power
Naomi Browning 12,hit by beam
Videl Perez 49 & Francisco Sospedra 72,both thrown from trailer
Robert Moak 32,drowned
Miguel Pulido 62,crushed
Andrew Roberts 30,crushed
Claude Owens 46,neck injury
Robert Ramos 40,hit by flying degris
Gladys Porter 91,crushed
Mary Cowan 67,crushed
Harry Boyer 67,crushed
Jesse James 46,crushed
Natividad Rohena 57,crushed
Tommy Van 36,drowned
Herbert Engleman 55,lightning
John Byers 22,head injury
Henry Bush 41,hit by debris
Carlos Cabrera 63,tornado
Jessica Tomlinson 20,head injuries
Tuan Hoang 33 & Sau Van Duong 26 both drowned in Gulf of mexico
Telford Neely 16,flying debris
Avaro Pedican & beverly Moss no ages,flying debris,
Yvonne Cash 37,drowned
Many others not listed
Relief & assistance
Free meals seved within 10 days 1.7 million
Supplied by the military within 1 week 98 helicopters,1,300 vehicles,1,333 tents enought to house 27,000 people,30 portable kitchens,100,000 blankets,38,500 cots,
65 million dollars spent by red cross
7,000 national guard troops
22,000 U.S Military Troops,the largest U.S military operation ever in this country
Many local grocers as well as fast food restaurants donated food
Likes brothers donated 100,000 hot dogs
Tropicana sent 3,200 cases of juice & 6 water tankers
President Bush announces 300 million dollars of aid for Fema assistance
Help poured in from all over the country from small towns to large corporations
People from Broward & Palm Bch Counties convoyed help & donations to the needy.
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