(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm
(bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names
are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm
description is given.Unless "extreme" Extratropical systems will not be noted! "?" indicates unknown at landfall.(since 1871) Years
affected 1871-2br,1872xtropst,1875ts,1877ts,1877xtropst,1879ts,1879xtrophbr,1880br,1882ts,1886br,1887xtropstbr,1888xtropst,1888xtroph,1889ts,1891extratroph,1891xtropstbr,1893m, 1900xtropst,1904xtroph,1918xtropst,1924xtroph,1927extratroph,1933xtropst,1933br,1936extratroph,1936br,1937tsbr,1937ts,1940tsbr,1940,1944xtropst,1946ropstbr, 1950,1953-2br,1959xtropstbr,1960tsbr,1961xtropst,1962,1963extratroph,1964xtropstbr,1969brm,1975,1981subts,1982subtsbr,1988tsbr,1995xtropst,1996xtropst,1996br, 1996xtropst,2001ts,2005tsbr,2006ts,2007extratroph,2008,2009br,2010ts,2014xtropst,2019xtrophbr,2020xtroph,2023xts
62 times in 153 yrs end of 2024
from list above B storms most likely to impact the area Able,Barbara,Carol,Cindy,Cleo,Frances,Daisy,Ginny,Gladys,Gerda,Blanche,Alberto,Allison,Josephine,Hortense,Bertha,Karen,Ophelia,Beryl,Noel,Kyle,Bill,Earl,Arthur,Dorian,Teddy,Lee
Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio TS=34, 54.84% H=28, 45.16%
Longest gap between storms 13 years 1904-1918
How often this area gets
affected? brushed or hit every 2.47 years
Average years between direct hurricane hits.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours) (15h)once every 10.2 years
Average years between major hurricane hits.(1) not enough data
Average MPH of hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts) 85mph
Statistically when this area should be affected
next before the end of 2026
Last affected by 2023 Post tropical storm Lee hits on Sept 16th with 65mph winds while racing NNE to N.E area has 66mph gust's.
This areas hurricane past
1888 nov 28th 90mph while moving N.E center passes just north & west.
1891 oct 15th 90mph moving NE
1893 aug 22nd 115mph moving NE
1904 Sept 15th,extratropical hurricane hits with 85mph winds from the SW
1924 Aug 27th,extratropical hurricane hits with 75mph winds while moving N.E
1927 Aug 25th a fast moving Extratropical x hurricane hits with 105mph winds
1936 a Extratropical x hurricane hits with 80mph winds on Sept 25th
1940 sept 17th 75mph moving NNE
1950 Hurricane Able Aug 21st just south moving ENE with 75mph winds (hurdat).
1962 hurricane daisy hits with 75mph winds on Oct 8th. NHC Wallet
1963 Extratropical storm Ginny hits with 105mph winds on Oct 29th.Racing NNE. NHC Wallet
1975 July 28th ,Hurricane Blanche,80mph from the SSW. NHC Wallet
2007 Extratropical storm Noel hits with 75mph winds on November 4th. Coastal floods and significant wave action washed out sections of coastal roads in Nova Scotia and many roads were littered with large rocks and boulders that washed ashore during the storm. Several waterfront buildings also suffered damage and some docks were destroyed. damage shot #1 | damage shot #2 | wave action | damage shot #4
2008 Sept 28th ,Hurricane Kyle passes just west with 75mph winds while becoming extratropical.Minimal damage reported with minimal surge ,approx 40,000 without power at height of landfall.NHC report
2020 Sept 22nd Xtrop hurricane Teddy passes 87 miles to east with 80mph winds.Hit map
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