Kingston ,Jamaica's history with tropical systems
Current weather
(br)=brush (ts)=Tropical Storm (bd)=Back Door,meaning coming from over land from opposite coast.Not all names are noted,also storms before 1950 were not named.Not every stat on every storm description is given.
Kingston most likely to be hit by a hurricane between september 7th and september 13th
Years near or within core winds
1934ts,1942ts,1944m,1951m,1980m,1988m,1994ts,2004m,2005br,2007m,2008ts,2012,2021tsbr,2021ts,(2024mbr not in stats)
39 times in 152yrs end of 2023

Names from list above

Tropical Storm to Hurricane ratio
TS=18, 46.15% H=21, 53.85%
21.62% of all tropical systems affecting Kingston are major hurricanes this includes brushes

Longest gap between storms
28 years 1951-1980

How often this area gets affected?
brushed or hit every 3.90 years

Average years between direct hurricane hits.(hurricane force winds for at least a few hours)
(15h)once every 10.13 years

Average years between major hurricane hits in Kingston.(8)
once ev 19 years

Average MPH for Kingston hurricane hits. (based on advisories sustained winds, not gusts)

Statistically when Kingston should be affected next
impacted in 2024

Last affected by
2024 July 3rd hurricane Beryl brushes south by 43 miles while moving WNW with 140mph winds.

This areas hurricane past
1874 Nov 1st 90mph from the South moving NE direct hit
1880 aug 19th a hurricane hits from the SE with 80mph winds over 20 killed in jamaica.
1886 Aug 20th,110mph from the SSE
1896 .Sept 25th,80mph from the ESE
1903 Aug 11th, 120mph from the ESE
1912 Nov 18th 115mph (hurdat) from the WSW causes massive tidal surges killing 100 .
1915 Aug 13th, 110mph from the ESE passes just north
1916 Aug 15th,110mph from the ESE
1944 Aug 20th, 120mph from the ESE
1951 aug 18th hurricane Charlie hits with 125mph winds from the ESE with some gusts to 125mph winds very heavy damage,kills 154 leaves 50,000 homeless Newpaper Headline
1980 Aug 6th, 130mph to the north Hurricane Allen from the ESE passes 37 miles to north. Jim Leonard in Jamaica | NHC Wallet | hit map
1988 hurricane Gilbert hits sept 12 with 121mph winds from the ESE with gusts to 147mph,kills 45 leaves 500,000 homeless 2 billion dollars damage to area,banana crops ruined satelite photo | newspaper article | av model error
2004 ,sept 11th hit by Hurricane Ivan with 155mph winds moving approx 50 miles to the south from the ESE with Ivan having a wind field approx 85 miles out. Moderate to heavy damage in Kingston.Ham radio report of 124mph gust Closeup sat image .
2007 August 19th Hurricane Dean passes just south with 145mph winds from the ESE while moving west. Significant damage to roofs & structures in southern Jamaica. Kingston and St. Andrew ,severe wind damage and downed power lines in the Riverton city area. Also, a fallen tree caused the collapse of a residential building in the Chambers Lane Area of Liguanea, St. Andrew. Historic Sabina Park cricket ground reported roof damage.In Jamaica, the most severe impacts were reported in the southeastern parishes of Clarendon, St. Catherine, and Kingston/St. Andrew, where it is estimated that roughly two-thirds of the homes were completely destroyed or would require major repairs. Flooding in Jamaica was not generally significant, although some occurred in eastern parishes where grounds had become saturated by rains the previous week. Agriculture, particularly the banana crop, was severely impacted.Stony Hill, St. Andrew sustained 75mph,Portmore, St. Catherine sustained 95mph,Lionel Town, Clarendon sustained 97mph Hurricane warning show | Newspaper article | Jim Edds in Kingston |
2012 Oct 24th Hurricane Sandy hits from the south with 80mph winds while moving north. Sandy model history | radar animation(Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School)post NHC

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Stat sources: NHC Track maps/hurdat2/cyclone reports Hurricane research division
Text Sources:(alp)....Divine Wind Kerry Emanuel.....Florida Hurricanes & Tropical Storms John M. Williams & Iver W.Duedall.....Florida's Hurricane History Jay Barnes.....Hurricane Almanac Bryan (calculations) Jim Williams.....Hurricanes and the Middle Atlantic States Rick Schwartz.....Hurricane Watch Dr. Bob Sheets & Jack Williams.....Inside the Hurricane Pete Davies..... Isaac's Storm Erik Larson..... Killer Cane Robert Mykle.....Lunatic Wind William Price Fox....Miami Herald newspaper(microfilm).....Path of destruction John McQuaid & Mark Schleifstein.....Sun sentinel newspaper(microfilm).....The Major Hurricanes to affect the Bahamas Wayne Neely.....The Ship & the Storm Jim many more.............

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